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The Specialized Book Study WebLink Collection
A New Christianity for a New World:
Why Traditional Faith is Dying and How a New Faith is Being Born - John Shelby Spong
Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. ... Proverbs 23:12 (NIV)

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Ch 1-4
Historical Jesus
Ch 5-7
Missions, The New Divinity and The Old Evil
Ch 8-9
The Church and New Ecclesia
Ch 10-13
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WebLinks are added all during the course according to the topics. Complementary or competitive views are given. The internet is a rich yet limited resource to explore. Please share sites you find of value for this study.
General & Introductory
The Holy Manners Book Study Internet Link Collections. - All of the research and study links found for the Holy Manners studies are collected at the top of the Internet Research and Study Page. The Internet can be such a confusion! These researched sites may be helpful for your general reference. Do check them out. Many of the site offer a broader resource than the single voice that made it appropriate to its inclusion in any of the lists. It is often a bit difficult to find useful sites from the perspective of progressive christianity. Thus this collection.
Bio Information about
The Right Reverend John Shelby Spong Bishop of Newark, Retired
Compiled and maintained by the Diocese of Newark's Electronic Technology Committee
including the article "The New Reformation" and his 12 Theses as first published in The Fourth R.
Listen to 3 interviews on Minnesota Public Radio. Program Midmorning in 2002. "John Shelby Spong thinks too many of us are spoonfed a Christianity based on outmoded concepts."
Ken Wilbur Review by Larry Fisk Book Review - Ken Wilber: More than a Companion to John Spong. Based on Ken Wilber: One Taste: Daily Reflections on Integral Spirituality. by Larry Fisk
Faith Futures Foundation - Reference Materials for the Study Guide on A New Christianity for a new World. - Another course using more classical method on A New Christianity for a New World. It is copywrited and the fee is $25 USD for plans and materials to photocopy for group. They offer their collection of research to the public.
The 12 Theses of Bishop John Spong The Twelve Theses of Bishop John Spong - from his book - HERE I STAND: My Struggle for a Christianity of Integrity, Love and Equality, San Francisco: Harper San Francisco, 2000.
The Coming Radical Reformation - 21 Theses The Coming Radical Reformation - 21 Theses of Robert W. Funk. - In a parallel manner, Bob Funk has made a provocative list of issues effecting the church today back in 1998. They are grouped under 5 headings: Theology, Christology, God's Domanin according to Jesus, The Canon, & The Language of Faith. Worth looking at the parallels. Funk is the founder of the Jesus Seminar. Spong is a fellow of the Jesus Seminar.
A New Christianity
for a New World
on the
I have some reservations on recommending this site. It is a site dedicated to discussion of this exact book by Bishop Spong and has considerable depth of comment that you can read and review on the "Message Board". But it costs $35/year to join so you can post. And for this you will be able to read a paper each month that they have contracted to Bishop Spong to write. Some of the people who paid are unhappy with the deal and with the inability to read the backlog of papers.
Click here for an opinion defining "Deism" by Rev Carol Rudisill.
Click here for a poem to Spong by "Synchro", that succinctly describes the Spong phenomena.
Is Science a 'Satisfying Replacement' for Religion? A Conversation with E.O. Wilson
The Pulitzer prize-winning author and sociobiologist dicusses creation myths, evolution, free will, and his Baptist upbringing. Many Christians are afraid to listen to the challenges Wilson, a former conservative evangelical, makes against Christian faith. ...Unlike Wilson, who still seems to accept the Christian ethic but not the old theological systems, Spong says that much of that theology is outdated, but we can still talk of God in new and helpful ways that are scientifically respectable. Spong wants to keep the dialogue going. Wilson wonders if there is much to talk about.
Why Liberals Should Read the Bible By John A. Buehrens
The Bible doesn't go away if we don't read it. Others just tell us what it says. Today many otherwise well-informed, intelligent people--religious liberals, seekers after wisdom and justice, even skeptics and the news media--often speak as though the Bible says and means only what fundamentalists say it says and means.
Holy Wars - The Battle for God by Karen Armstrong. New York Times review. Outlines the basics of Fundamentalism in Christianity, Islam and Judaism as a reaction against modernism and liberalism.
Cries of Rage and Frustration - New Statesman article by Karen Armstrong. Explaining fundamentalism as the result of war between liberal and conservative and its current connections to war and violence.
Dissolving the Inerrancy Debate: How Modern Philosophy shaped the Evangelical View of Scripture - by student John Perry of Fuller Theological Seminary from Quodlibet Journal. In this 17 page paper with 78 citations, an evangelical conservative trys to heal the misunderstanding of inerrancy by detailing its recent origins and dissolving its argument. It's heavy but worth it if you have friends holding the view that the Bible is literally true. It's certainly an example of Holy Manners. (Fuller names the 5 Fundamentals in its Statement of Belief, but excludes inerrancy.)
The Web Link Collection for Borg's Reading the Bible Again for the First Time this collection has many links appropriate to the subjects of this study also. Do flip to this page from time to time and check out those links that fit.
Ch 1-4 : Theism
The Star Course people offer a series of talks and active discussions for people who want to explore the Christian faith and make their own decisions. They have a good debate running on the Existence of God and lots of topical issues including an extensive debate on Spong's 12 Theses. Click left for their front page. Or go directly to an archive of the 12 Theses debate that is perhaps as typical as one can find with a lot of intensity and a manageable amount of acrimony. The site sponsors are conservative. Some of the visitors are liberal.
Theism, Atheism, & Rationality
"Atheological objections to the belief that there is such a person as God come in many varieties. There are, for example, the familiar objections that theism is somehow incoherent, that it is inconsistent with the existence of evil, that it is a hypothesis ill-confirmed or maybe even disconfirmed by the evidence, that modern science has somehow cast doubt upon it, and the like ...".
From this ultraconservative university comes an amazingly thorough philosophic dissertation of the issues. Worthy of Aquinas! This may represent the most cohesive position opposite to John Spong and the Radical Theology of this study.
Religion and Theism FAQ. "What is religion? What are some varieties of religions? What is theism, and what are some of the varieties of that? Atheists aren't theists, but they can be religious - understanding what theism and religion are is key to understanding why that is true."
From a discussion of the issues from an atheist perspective.
Religion in 20th Century America - Herbert Wallace Schneider. Harvard University Press.1964. As we have discussed, none of this is new. Click left for a sample from a 1929 survey of 700 ministers on their beliefs about the basics of belief. See how theres "nothing new under the sun", and how the acceptance and understanding of the "fundamentals" was already passing. Note also that this generation of ministers were unable or unwilling to communicate their actual beliefs to their congregations who remained until most recently quite unawares of such seminary teachings. These are scans and so are a bit hard to read. This book is out of print.
The Courage To Be - Paul Tillich. Yale University Press 1952. The last chapter of the book "The God above God and the Courage To Be". Here you will read from the source, many of the ideas that Bishop Spong carried across the years to us, ideas which are perhaps still the most seminal as we leave theism and seek better words to understand divinity. Tillich says that courage can show us what being is and that being can show us what courage is. These are scans and so are a bit hard to read and take some time to load. LINK to listing of this still topical book. I notice however it was $1.45 when I bought it and $10.36 now!
The Alan Watts Library and Gallery His life and his work including audio and video. Watts was an Episcopalean priest who became a foremost interpreter of Eastern philosophies for the West.
"The idea of nothing has bugged people for centuries, especially in the Western world. We have a saying in Latin, Ex nihilo nuhil fit, which means "out of nothing comes nothing." It has occurred to me that this is a fallacy of tremendous proportions. It lies at the root of all our common sense ... It manifests in a kind of terror of nothing, a put-down on nothing ... But to me nothing -- the negative, the empty -- is exceedingly powerful. I would say, on the contrary, you can't have something without nothing."
What is Secularism? A superb essay by Father Michael Azkoul of the Russian Orthodox Church in Exile in 1978. Covers modernity, the death of god (including extensive quotations from Nietzche, John Paul, Hegel), pluralism, and relativism.
Nietzche The Madman - from The Gay Science The original short parable that coined the term "the death of god". Some say western philosophy is bracketed between 2 stories: Plato's Cave Allegory ad this parable of Nietzche.
Ch 5-7 : Historical Jesus - Early Church
The Meaning of Jesus - Two Visions, By liberal Marcus Borg and conservative NT Wright. Our own first Holy Manners Study. A respectful consideration of the complementary traditions. This is a link to the page compiled on relevant web links. These are most complementary to the present chapters of the Spong Study. Especially check out the 6 midrash links.
Jesus DataBase, Based on the work of John Dominic Crossan, this FFF project is developing an annotated online inventory of all extant items in the ancient Jesus traditions, with historical assessments by selected scholars and links to related files on this site.
HODOS HODOS, is a Greek term (meaning "way" or "path") used by early Christians to identify themselves as followers of the vision taught by Jesus of Galilee. This egroup aims to be a cyber community where people can be intentional in shaping their lives by the wisdom and the practice of the historical Jesus. Drawing on the work of contemporary Jesus studies, as well as other traditional and modern sources, participants encourage one another in exploring, developing and sustaining ways of life that are shaped by the wisdom of the Galilean sage. The only requirement for participation is a genuine interest in these goals and processes. These folk (also on Yahoo) are an eclectic ecuemenical community that support and debate Funk's work. Drop in and listen once in a while.
The Lord's Prayer - by Joachim Jeremias, Spong quotes Jeremias. This short little e-book is a perfect example of why we should go back and study the roots of our tradition. This is a lovely piece from a new testament scholar Spong quotes. Learn how the Lord's Prayer was a secret in the early church. Learn the meaning and startling consequence of Jesus use of "Abba - Beloved Parent". If you liked this here is his The Sermon on the Mount.
Women In Ancient Christianity: The New Discoveries - Karen L King - Scholar Karen King (a Jesus Seminar Fellow) examines the evidence concerning women's important place in early Christianity. She draws a surprising new portrait of Mary Magdalene and outlines the stories of previously unknown early Christian women. This is a PBS summary of a Frontline program in the series From Jesus to Christ. PBS links other commentary and material on the role of women in early Christianity including the Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
The Westar Institute - home of The Jesus Seminar, with more than two hundred participating scholars, has attempted to distinguish fact from fiction in the words and deeds ascribed to Jesus in the gospels. The Jesus Seminar was organized under the auspices of the Westar Institute to renew the quest of the historical Jesus. They are the publicists who are intent to bring the scholarship out from the seminaries to the public ear. John Spong is a fellow. Click HERE to review our page on Robert Funk the founder of the Jesus Seminar - from our 75 Spiritual Innovators study. Current projects include the Paul Seminar, the Canon Seminar, & the Acts Seminar which are being conducted on the same lines as the Jesus Seminar whose present aspect is Historical Jesus..
The Gospel of Thomas - tr. Lambdin. From the Gnostic Society, and their Gospel of Thomas Collection, here is the Lambdin translation of the lost gospel. The Gospel of Thomas is entirely a collection of sayings of Jesus. It's first words: "These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke, and that Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And He said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death." 'There is a growing consensus among scholars that the Gospel of Thomas – discovered over a half century ago in the Egyptian desert – dates to the very beginnings of the Christian era and may well have taken first form before any of the four traditional canonical Gospels.'
Favourite Verses. From the church website, here are 5 verses to introduce the Gospel of Thomas
Thomas 22:4-7 ...when you make the two into one ...
Thomas 48:1 ,,, they will say to the mountain, Move ...
Thomas 67:1 ,,, those who know all ...
Thomas 77:1-3 ... I am the light that is over all things ...
Thomas 82.1 ... whoever is near me is near the fire ...
Early Christian Writings A private site by a Peter Kirby (who appears an rather critical and open agnostic) with original text for very many of the available ancient texts - New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers. together with much art, qualified commentary, related authors and books, and cross web links on the theme - including more ancient texts, booksand qualified comment. I discovered it on a Didache link - for which he has a superb collection including a photo of the greek writing.
24 Authors on Jesus - This useful site (also by Peter Kirby) suggests 10 different visions of Jesus and groups the 24 authors accordingly, each of which he introduces. Then an amazing 180 works of these authors are linked to book reviews (mostly Included are Borg, NT Wright, Crossan, Funk. Caution. Kirby's "Did Jesus Exist?" (linked from this site) and which is a collection of Historical Jesus researches has a most negative agenda, unlike his other rather objective collections. Not recommended.
Shaken Creeds: The Virgin Birth Doctrine - Jocelyn Rhys 1922 - An e-book that reads as if just published. And although the book is on-line, the excellent summary commentary by Gipson Arnold is much more efficient to introduce the subject. As lead-in to the subject, other topics are covered: The books of the New Testament - a review of the issues leading to the first canon, the epistles, gnosticism, the gospels, and the apocryphal books. Her virgin birth discussions include: New Testament Evidence, Possibilities and Improbabilities, Other Stories of Virgin Births, Superstitions and Myths about Conception, Spiritual Virgin Births - Gnostic Doctrines, Details of the Two Gospel Stories, The Catholic Doctrine-Modern Scepticism, with appendices on Christmas.
How Did Jesus Become God — and Why, Article by Lloyd Geering in Westars Journal The Fourth R.

"Indeed one suspects that if one were to ask the average churchgoer to spell out what they meant by saying that Jesus is divine, they would probably align themselves, without realizing it, with one of the ancient heresies, rather than with orthodoxy."
Almost the Whole Truth - John Dominic Crossan - An autobiographical sketch from the foremost Historical Jesus Scholar - an Irish American trained in Chicago as a priest. and a fellow of the Jesus Seminar.
"Christianity often asserts that its faith is based on fact not interpretation, history not myth, actual event not supreme fiction. I find that assertion internally corrosive and externally offensive. And because I am myself a Christian, I have a responsibility to do something about it. My reconstruction of the historical Jesus, for example, must be able to show why some people wanted to execute him but others wanted to worship him, why some thought him criminal but others thought him divine."
Ch 8-9 - Missions, The New Divinity, The Reality of Evil
The United Church of Canada - Justice, Global, and Ecumenical Relations - Wayne points out in his notes on Ch 10 that Bishop Spong is largely off the mark and out of sync with the themes and undertakings of modern missions in the church. Our own United Church has long since recognized these past errors and has and is developing vital new relationships here. It is of note that you find the subject under the listing of justice. Click the logo left to see current issues and themes. Bookmark the site and visit from time to time. And of course our own church's theme verse is Micah 6:8.
The Mission & Service Fund of the United Church of Canada - The United Church of Canada is a Canadian church that supports service and ministry across Canada and around the globe. All of this work is carried out through the Mission and Service (M&S) Fund. The M&S Fund is the only fund in which members and friends of the United Church pool their givings. Gifts are also given by members to their local church, but it is through the Mission and Service Fund that we live our beliefs -- to be the church in the world and how we love and serve others. Click for the FAQs page.
The World Council of Churches - The WCC brings together more than 340 churches, denominations and church fellowships in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world, representing some 400 million Christians. While the bulk of the WCC's founding churches were European and North American, today most are in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific. For its member churches, the WCC is a unique space: one in which they can reflect, speak, act, worship and work together, challenge and support each other, share and debate with each other.
The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate - The Catholic Church is also in review and renewal respecting missions. A leading place of these changes is the Oblate order which is largely responsible for the misionary work of the Catholic Church in Canada. They also refer to their current endeavors as focussed on "Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation". Click left for their home page and click on the paper 'Faiths and Cultures in Dialogue' for a look into their perspective.

The Spirit Bade Me Go: Pentecostalism and Global Religion Margaret M. Poloma " estimated 500 million followers today... Pentecostalism, in its varying expressions, comprises the second largest communion of Christians in the world. One of the reasons Western scholars have not been particularly aware of the rapid, if unobtrusive, growth of Pentecostalism is that, despite its mostly American origins, it is largely a non-western phenomenon. The majority of Pentecostals around the world are found among the poor and the working classes, the same socio-economic groups that gave rise to Pentecostalism in North America early in the 20th century."

The New Divinity
an essay by Julian Huxley
From 1964 after the publication of Honest to God by Robinson, Huxley in his collection Essays of a Humanist discussed the issues of ferment and change as part of "the inevitable outcome of the new vision of the world and man's place and role in that world -- in a word, of man's destiny -- which our new knowledge has revealed." Click left for the whole essay courtesy of Fredrik Bendz of Sweden, from his site The Page of Reason.
Some Presbyterian History - It has been American Presbyterians at Princeton who have largely determined the conservative Christian agenda. It was from here that biblical inerrency first came on the scene. And it was here that the phrase "A New Divinity" of the 1830's was identified and opposed as heresy. For a history lesson click left.
Constellation - Fall 02 - Focus on Evil The Journal of the Centre for Progressive Christianity. These 13 articles are worth reading. Here's some titles: Evil and Subjectivity: Some 20th Century Developments. Before the Fall. Evil, Liberal Denial, and Spiritual Strategies. When I Heard You Lived Next Door to Hate.
The Real Meaning of Evil - by Lance Morrow - Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003
"The truth about evil that needs attention now is its shallow, deadly, fungus quality. It is possible that neither side in the debate about evil quite knows what it is talking about. Philosophically and theologically, both are fighting the last war. They are talking about a world that no longer exists, or rather, they fail to see what evil lies in the world that now exists."   Here's a political essay found by Don Campbell that well illustrates the common meanings of the philosophic language we are using here. We cannot have meanings isolated from such common perspectives. Thanks Don.
Radical Faith
A Plain Guide To Evil - Excerpt from paper: "Nobody would propose that we shouldn't pursue our lives with a degree of drive and enthusiasm. But it appears that those of us who tend to think we have final answers, who claim to have captured some or other absolute truth, might beware. Evil acts seem to spring more easily from fanatical idealists than from those who question the veracity of their conclusions about themselves, other people, and what life is all about." And further papers.
Ch 10-13 - The Church and the New Ecclesia
Radical Faith
Radical Faith - Exploring fundamentals of faith in a changed world. A broad and liberal site maintained by The Society of the Sacred Mission in Durham England. These folks seem the Anglican inheritors of Robinson. "Churches on Sunday are more and more empty. Why? It may be that we've got it wrong about the reasons for being there." Very much worth bookmarking. They are rather practically organized and even have an essay on evil.
Hartford Institute for Religion Research - At Hartford Seminary we have a window into the changing world Spong speaks of. Here is a place that celebrates an intellectual and ecumenical voice of the church today, and whose purpose is to both conduct religious research and publish on line. It is a broad and deep resource.
FaithFutures Foundation is a grassroots response to a widely perceived need for new ways to express and explore the sacred knowledge that we have inherited from the past through our religions and spiritual traditions. It's principles are members of the Jesus Seminar. There is a considerable resource gathered on their website. You might wish to join them.
The Centre for Progressive Christianity - "Religion doesn't have to be irrelevant, ineffectual, repressive...   Do you find more grace in the search for meaning than in absolute certainty, in the questions rather than in the answers?  Do you have religious interests and longings but cannot accept the beliefs and dogmas you associate with Christianity?  Are you repelled by claims that Christianity is the "only way"?" Here is an international network of people concerned to support change and to support each other in formulating the New Church.

December 27, 2003