The Emerging Christian Way:
Thoughts, Stories & Wisdom for a Faith of Transformation
by 14 current voices, from Copper House - Wood Lake, ed Michael Schwartzentruber
"These are exciting times for those who call mainline Christianity "home". It is also an exciting time for those who have "left home" - perhaps because of frustration, or boredom, or doubt - are wondering if they might yet find a reason to return." ... from the Conclusion.
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Holy Manners The background on the phrase and why we have adopted it. The guidelines for our studies.
Click to visit the St. David's Adult Ed Forum  Internet Discussion Group at Yahoo - the St. David's Forum. The archive is public and readable. Participation is by invitation. Click HERE if you would like to join. You will then be able to post your own responses to the list and will be emailed the notices and contributions of the others. Click left to visit the archives of the site (read only). There are presently 88 persons.
Proposed Description (Purpose and Description)
  Course Outline and Links to the 10 Session Pages
As information is created, these will develop into clickable page links.
1 Sep 18 Introductory Session. A night of introductions and sharing experiences with the themes of "mainline church" renewal
Part One: The Emergent Church
2 Sep 25 Ch 1. An Emerging Christian Way, Marcus Borg
Ch 2. Experience: The Heart of Transformation, Tim Scorer.
Discussion Notes
Brenda's Quotes - A bit of Borg and Spong and Loder to set the evening's tone.
Part Two: Key Perspectives
3 Oct 2 Ch 3. New Creeds, Tom Harpur
Ch 4. The Great Work, Thomas Berry
Oct 9 Thanksgiving
4 Oct 16 Ch 5. Consider the Lilies of the Field: How Should Christians Love Nature?, Sallie McFague
Ch 6. On Being a Postdenominational Priest in a Postdenominational Era, Matthew Fox
Synchronicity – Devotional - Dorothy Reyner
5 Oct 23 Introduction to Podcast "Globalization and the Rise of Religion"
Ch 7. Paying Homage: Being Christian in a World of Many Faiths, Bruce Sanguin

Ch 8. Radical Inclusion, Anne Squire
Ch 9. Social Justice and a Spirituality of Transformation, Bill Phipps
Images of Radical Inclusivity and a Spirituality of Transformation - Wayne Holst
6 Oct 30 Ch 10. Worship: Pilgrims in the Faith, Mark MacLean
Ch 11. To Sing or Not to Sing: That Is the Question, Bruce Harding
A Review of Past Worship Studies at St. Davids.
7 Nov 6 Ch 12. Christian Education and the Imaginative Spirit, Susan Burt
Part Three: Emerging Forms
8 Nov 13 Ch 13. Pastoral Care for the 21st Century, Donald Grayston
9 Nov 20 Ch 14. Spiritual Discernment, Nancy Reeves
10 Nov 27 Conclusion: Inclusion in the Midst of Evolution, Michael Schwartzentreber.
Wrap Up Session. A Discussion of the course in review. An evaluation of these proposed futures.
Group Facilitator. Wayne Holst

I spent most of my life thinking like a church professional, rather than as a regular congregational member. My training as a pastor always had me asking myself 'how can I apply this discovery, insight, new information to a regular church setting?'

Often, clergy have been hesitant to share the discoveries they have made through a 'critical' approach to the Bible with their parishoners because they wonder how laypeople might accept it. I have found that many thinking laity are professionals in their own fields of endeavour and understand a critical approach very readily. What they seek are ways of relating faith to daily living.

I am grateful for the journey I have been taking through ordained ministry to teaching at the university and serving as a fellow layperson at St.David's United Church. Here we find that questioning and honest expression of our faith and doubt is readily accepted and supported.

Group Facilitator. Jock McTavish

I am a student and a poet, a democrat and a techocrat, an eclectic eccentric. I grew up in a loving Baptist community, so in my heart I'm still a Bible loving evangelical. As I grew in learning I found a new home in the United Church whose tolerance embraces the broadest range of Christian understanding. I most enjoy the illumination of our ancient traditions by modern scholarship. For they show in clear novel ways that the perspectives of the Special Ones were seldom the understandings of those that followed. They show all knowledge to be in relationship .

There seems a lack of understanding in our secular world for religious practices. The reasons why I still gladly - even necessarily - attend church are difficult to voice to those unfamiliar with church, or those injured by church. Elliott got it right. We find our way back to the place we started from. But with new understanding.


Sep 2006