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The Meaning of Jesus
A Study in Holy Manners

A Cyberspace Discussion Group

God raised Jesus from the dead.

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Ch. 7 N.T. Wright The Transforming Reality of The Bodily Resurrection
The question is: "Why did Christianity arise and why did it take the shape it did?". There was an astonishing transformation of the followers of Jesus after his death. They said God raised Jesus from the dead."If the stories are metaphors for anything, they are metaphors for the belief that God's new world had been brought to birth. ... the sign of hope for the future, not only for individuals but for the whole world."

Ch. 8 Marcus Borg. The Truth of Easter.
"Easter startles us. Into the story of Jesus it introduces post-death experiences plus the extraordinary affirmation that a Galilean Jewish peasant is 'Lord,' claiming our allegiance and participating in the power and being of God."
"Easter is utterly central to Christianity. 'God raised Jesus from the dead' is the foundational affirmation of the New Testament."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer. excerpt, the last words of Christology (circa 1933)
"Between humiliation and exaltation the historical fact of the empty tomb lies oppressively starkly. What is the significance of the account of the empty tomb before the account of the resurrection? Is it the decisive fact of christology? If it was really empty, then is Christ not risen and our faith vain? It seems as though our faith in the resurrection were bound up with the account of the empty tomb. Is our faith then in the last resort only faith in the empty tomb?"
John Dominic Crossan. excerpt, The Birth of Christianity - Discovering what happened in the years immediately after the execution of Jesus,
"The gift of the lament tradition is not just that we know the names of Mary Magdalene and the other women, but that their passion-.resurrection story moved into the heart of the Christian tradition forever. And once it was there, within a decade of the death of Jesus, others would compose variations on it, but nobody would ever replace it or eliminate it"
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St. David's United Church.Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The United Church of Canada.

September 24, 2000