Books of Lenten Readings

by the Congregation of St. David's United Church,
3303 Capitol Hill Crescent N.W.
Calgary, Alberta, T3M 2R2
(403)284 2276

To any and all who visit this website, the people of St. David's United Church offer a gift - the new Lenten Booklet "Peace Within the Storm". Forty seven people authored the meditations, starting with Ash Wednesday and ending with Easter Sunday. Of this number only four are trained theologians. That leaves forty three who struggled with the unfamiliar task of producing the writings contained in this booklet. These people range in age from teen-agers to some in their eighties, and many in between. They encompass in their life experiences the wide variety of dreams, experiences, sorrows and joys, failures and successes common to mankind. The common thread running through their meditations seems to be the belief that in their faith lies the key to living life fully. Read on. You may find much uncommon wisdom in the musings of these common children of God.

Peace Within the Storm

Woven Wisdom

May 5, 2007