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Favourite Verses
Our lives are enriched by special verses in the Bible that speak to us when we most we need to hear. Here is a collection with added art. Enjoy. Print, copy and share them. Use them as screen wallpaper. Some are collected on the internet, credit is given where known. Some are made at St. Davids. Clicking on a verse opens a new window.

If you have a special verse in your life, we invite you to tell us. Also mention your idea of a suitable background and we'll create one for you. Just e-mail us by clicking this icon.

The Gospel of Thomas was found in 1945. It is now regarded by many scholars as most worthy of our study.
It is a Gospel of only Sayings of Jesus. Some of the sayings are familiar, most are new to our ears.
Here are 5 verses to introduce you to this newly found Gospel.

Here are some favourite verses in their Bible-front-to-back order.

Mar 23, 2005