Section A New Christianity
General Discussion on the Death of Theism but Not the Death of God.

Notes courtesy of Brenda Wallace.

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Section Internet Links The Tower of Babel Discussion Notes
Wayne saw a metaphoric connection between Spong's first few chapters on the Death of Theism and an ancient story - the Genesis story of the Tower of Babel Gen.11: 1-9. And like any good metaphor it makes 3 points.

      1. Humanity "Come of Age" Thinking (What is Human Responsibility?)
      2. Supernaturalism and Revelation (How? Why?)
      3. God as Crutch (Support)

1. Humanity "Coming of Age" Thinking:

The Tower of Babel is an intriguing read in light of Spong. "Come, let us make a name for ourselves!" – an example of Humanities "Come of Age" thinking. The tower went up into the heavens and God was not pleased so he changes their ability to communicate. They became confused and the building was halted. Wayne was reminded of his mother's admonition: Don't reach too tall. God will be offended.

If we can look at the "Enduring Truth" of the Bible, what do we discover? Has humanity's thinking changed over time. "Pride goeth before a fall." Was enlightenment good or bad? Mythologically, what was being communicated?

      1. This was the story told to explain how languages came to be.
      2. The story teller(s) may have wanted to manipulate or control the people.
      3. Christians tie the story to Pentecost where the gathered people together understood each other in spite of various languages being spoken.


Myth – a positive or negative word. Not an untruth but larger than truth. Classic meaning where there is no final right interpretation of the story but many right interpretations. Definitions of Christianity... is there a right definition?

2. Supernaturalism and Revelation:

Revelation is an "unclear" doctrine according to Spong who states that God has given us what we need to know. Wayne needs to believe there is meaning and reality beyond what he can think and do – some kind of final arbiter.
Discussion: God is needed. God is the ground of our being.

The more science has discovered, the more there seems a place for God. Our concept of reality is expanding as has the role for God.


Science answers the questions of HOW?. God is about the question WHY?
Lack of understanding has been filled in overtime by God. As we rid ourselves of these mysteries with new understanding, our definition of God grows.
There is more responsibility on us as we acknowledge we become God-bearing individuals. "If God is in me, it doesn't mean I am God."
The Bible came of age with Jesus.
Did Revelation end with the writing of the Bible?

3. God as Crutch:
Wayne has needed a crutch in his life from time to time. Is this a problem? You without a crutch get the first kick! (Mike Trew)
We create a God that fits our need and we absolve our responsibility. What is our responsibility? We spend our energies on trying to figure out God's plan. Editorial note: A Crutch is important seemed to be the conclusion of the group.
Discussion notes courtesy of Brenda Wallace.

Rt. Rev. Peter Shortt has said that it is not our job to be relevant but to follow Jesus and live abundantly. Does Spong focus too much on the relevance? Tradition gives context according to Shortt. What calls us?
Church was where Jock's mom was recharged for the rest of the week.
Jesus' lessons are simple.
The goal of the Jesus seminar has been to find out what Jesus actually said.
The "Only Way" was not Jesus' phrase.
Spong is in a tug of war as to how to follow Jesus.
Literal interpretation has interfered with Jesus' message.
Living a life of openness and service is closer to Jesus' main message rather than the apparent focus of Post Milennial/Armaggedonists.
Spong asks us to acknowledge the changes that understanding brings to Christianity.
Our beliefs are made more relevant. Relevancy is an action item – enriching, point of context.
We need to make our own myths for today. (De-mythologize in order to re-mythologize.) Don't get stuck in the myth rather reclaim the experience.
Jock referred to the posting of the Lord's Prayer and how revolutionary is Jesus' prayer to Abba, the friendly parent in a childlike relationship where we are all called to be Sons of God.
All religious language is mythology... truth encapsulated in myth. Campbell talks about myth in a new meaningful way.
Can a repackaged faith still give us an example to follow in Jesus?
Christianity is about behavior rather than belief.
There are two ways to know God: traditional/historical way and through personal experience.
If it is a head experiment it would have died a long time ago.
In Spong's book about the Resurrection he concludes with a powerful faith statement, "I know God!" a statement of the mystic.
Reality of living and love in our own lives has been impacted by the moral revolution led by the young.
We should be able to see the "Wow" of God in our own lives.
Some of what we've inherited has been disempowering more than empowering. Jesus shows us God, So does Julian, Mother Theresa, Spong.
Add to Spong's definition of God ... delivered to us through the death and resurrection of Christ and the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Watch that the language does not become one of atheism.
Grace and God's Blessing is always around. We've only to use it.
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St. David's United Church.Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
October 26, 2003