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Black Elk

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Brenda Wallace finds Spiritwalk, a new and worthy spirituality site (many of the 75 here), with a superlative review of Black Elk with memorable quotes.
From the University of Nebraska, the complete Black Elk Speaks. html and pdf. And more. Do read this most moving and remarkable book. See how from the vision of a boy framed a life that included his compelling recollections of the Wounded Knee Massacre.
From the C-SPAN American Writers site, a series of full length videos including Black Elk Speaks, an interview with his great-grandaughter Charlotte Black Elk, and Wallace Black Elk.
After Wounded Knee, a frustrated and defeated Black Elk converted to Catholism. When ask why he said, "My children have to live in this world". Visit this site maintained by his descendents for another aspect of his life and influence.
Earth Prayer and some other collections."Sometimes dreams are wiser than waking."
This links to an excellent paper "A Social Ethical Analysis of Black Elk Speaks" by 24 grad students in Moral Theology at SMU in '95 cached at Google. It shows well the continued strength of Black Elk's vision.
HOPE. Despite lamenting his failure to employ the power of his great vision to make the nation and world better; Black Elk held to the hope that this vision will yet do its great and mighty work. ... "... I have lain awake at night worrying and wondering if I was doing right; for I know I have given away my power when I have given away my vision, and maybe I cannot live very long now. But I think I have done right to save the vision in this way, even though I may die sooner because I did it; for I know the meaning of the viison is wise and beautiful and good; and you can see that I am only a pitiful old man after all." For Black Elk, the purpose of sharing his great vision in BLACK ELK SPEAKS is to preserve the vision in the hope that someday the vision will succeed in making the differences it was supposed to make. *
"Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw."

"I cured with the power that came through me. Of course, it was not I who cured, it was the power from the Outer World, the visions and the ceremonies had only made me like a hole through which the power could come to the two-leggeds. If I thought that I was doing it myself, the hole would close up and no power could come through. Then everything I could do would be foolish."

The oldest spoke again: "Your Grandfathers all over the world are having a council, and they have called you here to teach you." His voice was very kind, but I shook all over with fear now, for I knew that these were not old men, but the Powers of the World. And the first was the Power of the West; the second, of the North; the third, of the East; the fourth, of the South; the fifth, of the Sky; the sixth, of the Earth. I knew this, and was afraid, until the first Grandfather spoke again: "Behold them yonder where the sun goes down, the thunder beings! You shall see, and have from them my power; and they shall take you to the high and lonely center of the earth that you may see: even to the place where the sun continually shines, they shall take you there to understand." And as he spoke of understanding, I looked up and saw the rainbow leap with flames of many colors over me.

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St. David's United Church.Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
The United Church of Canada.

October 18, 2002