Session # 10 Radical Gratitude   by Mary Jo Leddy
Progressive Voices - Selected Videos for Discussion - Working It Out Together
"This book is about ordinary grace, which is here for the asking. For free. ... It is about authentic liberation in a culture ... that is chronically dissatisfied. "  p 5      "In a culture of money, that which can neither be bought nor sold is Holy. ... the goodness of beginnings is Holy. ... that which pulls us to the point of our being is Holy. ... those who are grateful are Holy."  p173

Index Opening Closing Commentary Discussion References and Videos
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Opening by
Commentary -
Discussion Notes
References & Videos Related to Session
The four videos below comprise 77 minutes. They are selected because they highlight the issues raised by Radical Gratitude. The theme tonight is "Working It Out Together". These may well encourage you.
Video - Thomas Berry Speaks - 3m40s - One of the earliest voices speaking on behalf of the earth was Father Thomas Berry. His words are even more urgent and prophetic today.
Video - Hans Rosling - Momentum 2011 - Gapminder - 33m - This maestro of statistics has been a key player in bringing the world up to date with World Health Data. He has convinced the UN and many countries in making their data open, free and available. He illustrates that human beings can and do work for common goals.
Video - Paul Collier - Interview by Allan Gregg on the book, The Bottom Billion - TVOntario - 27m32s
Video - David Damberger - Learning from Failure - TEDxYYC - 13m - In an emotional sharing of his work with Engineers Without Borders, Calgary engineer David Damberger teaches a most valuable lesson about International Aid, and the website he created to share the lesson,
The additional videos linked below are selected because they also highlight the issues raised by Radical Gratitude on the theme "Working It Out Together". Please check them out.
Video - David Korten - Radical Abundance - 72m - A presentation to 39th Trinity Institute National Theological Conference on Radical Abundance: A Theology of Sustainability, delivered in Trinity Wall Street Episcopal Church, New York City. Ironically challenging Wall Street's practice of unrestricted greed.  See Yes Magazine for more of David Korten.
Video - Naomi Klein, Hernando de Soto & Joseph Stiglitz on Economic Power - Discussion at City University New York on liberalization and better ways of avoiding economic shock - FORA2009 - 62m -
Video - Kathryn Schulz - Being Wrong Feels Right - TED2011 - 18m -
Video - Ha-Joon Chang - Companies Should Not Be Run in the Interest of Their Owners - 5m10s - In part 4 of INET's interview with Ha-Joon Chang, he attacks the principle of shareholder value maximization. Stockholders of public companies often are the least invested of all stakeholders in the long-term health and productivity of the company, because they can sell their share anytime
Video - David Mikkelsen - Refugees United - PopTech2011 - 5m35 - An anonymous mobile tool and web platform designed to help refugees reconnect with loved ones. These tools streamline the family tracing process for individuals and for the NGOs helping them.
Video - Nils Gilman - Deviant Globilization - PopTech2011 - 21m27s - Deviant globalization is the global flow of repugnant goods and services like drugs, human trafficking and illegal wildlife.
Video - Muhammad Yunus - London School of Economics - Award acceptance speech. An excellent review of the initial philosophy and practice of Micro Finance Loans. 70 minutes.
Website - MY World - The UN End of Poverty 1015 workgroup has just launched MY World, an interactive site inviting your voting on the proposals towards the next cycle of the End of Poverty programs.
Paper - Roadmap to a New Economics: Beyond Capitalism and Socialism - 2009 - 10p - Riane Eisler - Author Historian Activist . This paper is an excellent introduction to the thinking of a new generation of economists who seek to learn the lessons of the 20th century. It comes through Tikkun, the progressive Jewish journal.
Closing by
Clicking the icon left will activate the e-mail on your machine and direct your comments to us. Comments are welcome and will be posted with usual editorial courtesies. St. David's United Church.Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Jan 2013