A Statement by the Moderator,
The Right Reverend Bill Phipps,

in response to discussion following the article in
The Ottawa Citizen on Friday, October 24, 1997

"I believe that in Jesus we know as much of God as is possible in a human being, but he did not reveal nor represent all of God. The God of the Bible is never completely known nor understood, yet is as intimate and compassionate as the most loving parent.
Thank God that the general public is also interested in a credible expression of Christian faith in our cynical age. And thank God that we are rooted in a tradition which welcomes discussion, discovery, and transformation. May we debate vigorously with one another while always respecting each other as human beings, creatures of a God whose love is unconditional.
I hope that the interest in the Ottawa Citizen article will be translated into study of Reconciling and Making New: Who is Jesus for the world today? (see next reference) This is an excellent study document authorized by the General Council, prepared by the national Theology and Faith Committee and mailed to every pastoral charge in May 1997."

Also check out the wikipedia article.