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The Specialized Book Study WebLink Collection for:
The Gospel of Thomas
An introduction

"113. His disciples said to him, "When will the Father's imperial rule come?" "It will not come by watching for it. It will not be said, 'Look, here!' or "Look, there!' Rather, the Father's imperial rule is spread out upon the earth, and people don't see it.."
Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge. ... Proverbs 23:12 (NIV)
to STARTPAGE Gospels and Bibles Historical Jesus - Early Church
Bill, one of our members, spotted an article in Harpers magazine, recently (December, 2005) that helps to make Thomas timely. There is good background on the Thomas gospel in this article, as well as helpful information on the Nag Hammadi discoveries mentioned below. The author shares his views on the value of Thomas for thoughtful people today. The article is entitled: Jesus Without the Miracles by Erick Reece, Reece mentions the Gospel of Thomas and the Jefferson Bible. See below.
Gospels and Bibles
Gospel of Thomas
Commentary This is a scholar's site, where comparisons are made between Greek and English text and commentary. A bit intimidating, but shows how the net has become a tool for scholars and citizens sharing. For their is a chance for you to post your comments.
The Gospel of Thomas - tr. Lambdin. From the Gnostic Society, and their Gospel of Thomas Collection, here is the Lambdin translation of the lost gospel. The Gospel of Thomas is entirely a collection of sayings of Jesus. It's first words: "These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke, and that Didymos Judas Thomas wrote down. And He said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death." 'There is a growing consensus among scholars that the Gospel of Thomas – discovered over a half century ago in the Egyptian desert – dates to the very beginnings of the Christian era and may well have taken first form before any of the four traditional canonical Gospels.'
Favourite Verses. From the church website, here are 5 verses to introduce the Gospel of Thomas
Thomas 22:4-7 ...when you make the two into one ...
Thomas 48:1 ,,, they will say to the mountain, Move ...
Thomas 67:1 ,,, those who know all ...
Thomas 77:1-3 ... I am the light that is over all things ...
Thomas 82.1 ... whoever is near me is near the fire ...
The Jefferson Bible. Thomas Jefferson was a free thinker who distilled his own version of the gospel. It's worth a read to understand Jefferson and his times. Also check out the wikipedia article..
The Whole Bible: analysis of the Canonical and Apocryphal New Testament Scriptures. Geoff Trobridge is a progressive Christian whose path of understanding led him into new testament history. His website has links and commentary with views from the left and right and centre. His essays are personal and interesting. He has logged a debate with an inerrantist that is remarkable both for it's holy manner and that it covers the salient points of difference rather well. That Geoff and David are laymen not ministers makes it valuable and relevant in the issues covered and the language used. Many will find it close to home.
Early Christian Writings is the most complete collection of documents from the first two centuries with translations and commentary. Includes the New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers. The "Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers" site is copyright © 2001-2005 Peter Kirby. There are 156 works here!! Pretty much everything known. Of special interest, they are listed according to their probably dates of writing. This alone is worth a visit to the list. The Gospel of Thomas page on this site is 8 screens of reference links!
Bible Gateway. Find anything in the bible in a hurry! The Bible Gateway is a friendly way to search the Bible for verses, themes and topics. It is very fast. It's search engine is "concordance-based" with 19 English Versions and 24 other languages! It is the continuing work of Nick Hengeveld. Check out "The Message" version - it is an exemplary translation into contemporary english. You can find anything quickly, and once found, compare the various versions and translations. This is very handy to track the parallels in Thomas to the other gospels.
Crosswalk. You couldn't want more tools for Bible research. Expensive library references all on line.'s Bible Study Tools® are designed to facilitate in-depth study and exploration of God's Word. We hope these free resources foster a desire for Christians to learn more about the Bible, deepening their relationship with God. We also hope they help church leaders in their teaching preparation.
Historical Jesus - Early Church
The Christian Coptic Orthodox Church Of Egypt The Coptic Church is based on the teachings of Saint Mark who brought Christianity to Egypt during the reign of the Roman emperor Nero in the first century, a dozen of years after the Lord's ascension. It is very much alive today. Here is found a most exhaustive list of links and documents: early church history, church art, documents, archives, museums and much more. One of the best collections of early church history.
101 Sayings Common Sayings Tradition in Gospel of Thomas and Q Gospel © John Dominic Crossan, published by permission on FaithFutures. "I count as Q Gospel only units with secure attestation in both Matthew and Luke. I also watch carefully the consensus reconstruction of the Q Gospel proposed by the International Q Project (IQP)." Crossan gives credence to 101 of these reputed sayings of Jesus.
Jesus DataBase, Based on the work of John Dominic Crossan, this FFF project is developing an annotated online inventory of all extant items in the ancient Jesus traditions, with historical assessments by selected scholars and links to related files on this site.
HODOS HODOS, is a Greek term (meaning "way" or "path") used by early Christians to identify themselves as followers of the vision taught by Jesus of Galilee. This egroup aims to be a cyber community where people can be intentional in shaping their lives by the wisdom and the practice of the historical Jesus. Drawing on the work of contemporary Jesus studies, as well as other traditional and modern sources, participants encourage one another in exploring, developing and sustaining ways of life that are shaped by the wisdom of the Galilean sage. The only requirement for participation is a genuine interest in these goals and processes. These folk (also on Yahoo) are an eclectic ecuemenical community that support and debate Funk's work. Drop in and listen once in a while.
The Westar Institute - home of The Jesus Seminar, with more than two hundred participating scholars, has attempted to distinguish fact from fiction in the words and deeds ascribed to Jesus in the gospels. The Jesus Seminar was organized under the auspices of the Westar Institute to renew the quest of the historical Jesus. They are the publicists who are intent to bring the scholarship out from the seminaries to the public ear. John Spong is a fellow. Click HERE to review our page on Robert Funk the founder of the Jesus Seminar - from our 75 Spiritual Innovators study. Current projects include the Paul Seminar, the Canon Seminar, & the Acts Seminar which are being conducted on the same lines as the Jesus Seminar whose present aspect is Historical Jesus..
Almost the Whole Truth - John Dominic Crossan - An autobiographical sketch from the foremost Historical Jesus Scholar - an Irish American trained in Chicago as a priest. and a fellow of the Jesus Seminar.
"Christianity often asserts that its faith is based on fact not interpretation, history not myth, actual event not supreme fiction. I find that assertion internally corrosive and externally offensive. And because I am myself a Christian, I have a responsibility to do something about it. My reconstruction of the historical Jesus, for example, must be able to show why some people wanted to execute him but others wanted to worship him, why some thought him criminal but others thought him divine."
Snowstar Institue of Religion - A Canadian organization, SnowStar examines the world, its believers and what they believe. SnowStar promotes mutual understanding and tolerance of the world's belief systems. SnowStar does not promote one point of view; it presents concepts and truths, founded in scholarly research, global awareness and current, cutting-edge discoveries in theology, science, archaeology, the arts, popular culture and other important fields.
Early Christian Writings A private site by a Peter Kirby (who appears an rather critical and open agnostic) with original text for very many of the available ancient texts - New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers. together with much art, qualified commentary, related authors and books, and cross web links on the theme - including more ancient texts, booksand qualified comment. I discovered it on a Didache link - for which he has a superb collection including a photo of the greek writing.
24 Authors on Jesus - This useful site (also by Peter Kirby) suggests 10 different visions of Jesus and groups the 24 authors accordingly, each of which he introduces. Then an amazing 180 works of these authors are linked to book reviews (mostly Included are Borg, NT Wright, Crossan, Funk. Caution. Kirby's "Did Jesus Exist?" (linked from this site) and which is a collection of Historical Jesus researches has a most negative agenda, unlike his other rather objective collections. Not recommended.
2 Reviews of
Beyond Belief
BEYOND BELIEF: The Secret Gospel of Thomas by Elaine Pagels
The first review is by Luke Timothy Johnson (Emory University, Atlanta) who takes a critical but constructive look at Pagels. The second I wrote in several versions for various Canadian periodicals 30 months ago. Hopefully, these two reviews help to chart the contours of this instiguing study for those interested.

Jan 2006